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The plots against Jesus and His eventual death on the cross are triggered by the characteristic acts of His mission:- Befriending the out cast transcending the law in the interest of compassion for the human person. It is though the passion that we understand the deep reality of the missionary call, to lose life for others to be a servant for all serving rather than being served; a life lived deeply to the end for others, a total self giving.

Jesus’ whole life has been a constant and untirng active rescuing of the humanlives from the grips of evil forces, teaching the truth that sets free and protecting the weak he touches the untouchable breaking down the legalistic barriers and setting new social orders.

The passion of Jesus, His cross sprung therefore from His public mission. it is in the light of His ministry that His death is deeply rooted,

as christians what do we learn from the life of Jesus our chief example, is it hypocrisy or walking in the truth and following His teachings and being in light?

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